Sie wollen ein intelligentes Haus/Gebäude, 
das alles hat?KNX IoT-Geräte und -Lösungen 
bringen intelligente Häuser un Gebäude auf
die nächste Stufe.

Warum KNX IoT?

  • Interoperabel und sicher: KNX ist die Referenz, wenn es um Interoperabilität geht. Nehmen Sie einfach zwei beliebige zertifizierte Geräte von einem beliebigen Hersteller, und sie werden einfach auf der Anwendungsebene auf sichere Weise zusammenarbeiten. Dieser Philosophie folgend, wurde KNX IoT entwickelt, um das höchste Sicherheitsniveau zu gewährleisten. KNX IoT-Geräte sind von Haus aus mit Sicherheit ausgestattet. Mit dieser robusten neuen KNX IoT Technologie können Hersteller und Entwickler die besten Geräte, Lösungen und Dienste entwickeln, die von den Fachleuten in der Branche der intelligenten Häuser und Gebäude installiert werden.
  • Native KNX IoT Geräte (IPv6): KNX Geräte verwenden jetzt einen neuen Ansatz, um in die IPv6 Architektur zu passen. Die neue Generation von KNX IoT Geräten wird in der Lage sein, sich mit IP Netzwerken (verkabelt und/oder drahtlos) zu verbinden, um mit anderen KNX IoT Geräten sowie mit klassischen KNX Geräten, die Twister Pair oder Funkfrequenz verwenden, zu kommunizieren.
  • Standardisierte API: Für die Geräte, die in ein KNX Netzwerk integriert werden müssen, ist dies nun dank einer standardisierten API möglich, die sich mit KNX Installationen verbinden kann. Diese API ist einfach, sicher, abstrahiert vom KNX-spezifischen Wissen und zukunftssicher.
  • Ein Werkzeug: ETS: All diese Möglichkeiten werden durch den Einsatz der ETS ermöglicht. Mit der ETS können KNX Geräte von über 500 Herstellern unabhängig von ihrer physikalischen Schicht konfiguriert werden, und Projektinformationen können mit einem herstellerunabhängigen Tool an jeden KNX IoT API Server exportiert werden. Die ETS bietet grundlegende Interoperabilität in einem attraktiven Tool mit einer modernen Benutzeroberfläche.
  • KNX, das größte Ökosystem in der Haus- und Gebäudeautomation: Mit dieser neuen Möglichkeit, über die KNX Technologie zu kommunizieren, wird die Flexibilität erhöht. Hersteller können nun neue Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten nutzen, um innovative Produkte und Lösungen zu schaffen; und auch Fachleute haben mehr Möglichkeiten, ein größeres KNX Ökosystem in ihren Projekten zu schaffen.

Machen Sie jedes Haus und Gebäude mit KNX IoT intelligent

Erfahren Sie in diesem kurzen Einführungsvideo, warum KNX IoT eine Welt der Möglichkeiten für intelligente Häuser und Gebäude eröffnet.

Ausführlichere Videos und Webinare zu KNX IoT finden Sie auf unserem YouTube-Kanal.

KNX, die größte Entwicklungslandschaft ihrer Art

Eine bahnbrechende Entwicklungsplattform, die als Grundlage für bemerkenswerte Lösungen dient, wurde der Welt im Jahr 2023 vorgestellt und ermöglicht alle Geschäftsfälle in den Bereichen Smart Home und Gebäude. Von einzelnen Produkten bis hin zu Dienstleistungen kann jeder Hersteller oder Entwickler die notwendigen Ressourcen finden, um einzigartige Lösungen zu schaffen.

Entdecken Sie, wie das KNX Ökosystem funktioniert, indem Sie mit dem Mauszeiger über die verschiedenen Elemente in der Abbildung unten fahren.

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

KNX IoT Entwicklung und KNX Startup Inkubator

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