13. Okt 2014

Interactive KNX Training Workshop at second day of KNX Road Show Brazil

Interactive KNX Training Workshop at second day of KNX Road Show Brazil
Interactive KNX Training Workshop at second day of KNX Road Show Brazil

After the successful start of the KNX Road Show Brazil, 35 participants joined for the KNX Training Workshop in Florianopolis. The event is hosted by Mr. Marcos Oliveira from ABB Brazil, who is entertainingly explaining the technical aspects of KNX to the audience. Driven by the passionate participants, the event is accompanied by many questions, discussions and fun. Highlight of the workshop was the live-demonstration of the ETS, which shows again the simplicity of the worldwide STANDARD for home and building control.

Next stop of the KNX Road Show Brazil - The capital Brasilia! Stay tuned for more exciting news.

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