01. Dez 2016

KNX Advent Calendar Game: win ETS5 and KNX Devices

KNX Advent Calendar Game: win ETS5 and KNX Devices
KNX Advent Calendar Game: win ETS5 and KNX Devices

The holiday period is around the corner and this is the ideal opportunity for KNX Association to hand out gifts to the KNX Community. With the support of our KNX Members we invite you to play the KNX Advent Calendar Game, where you can win a different KNX Device each day!

How does it work?

Visit the KNX Advent Calendar Game web page between the 1st and the 24th of December and click on the door of the current date on the advent calendar. You will then see a pop-up with an image of part of a KNX Device or software. Here you have the opportunity to guess the KNX Member and the product name.

Each day one winner will be randomly picked among the participants who answered correctly and will be announced on the page together with the correct solution. Didn't win? No problem, you can play again every day.

Hint: maybe you find the solution in the product section of one of the recent KNX Journals.

Win a free ETS5 Professional

There are more than just KNX Devices to win. Before or after playing the game, you can also share the KNX Advent Calendar Game on your facebook page. Each week during the game period, we will choose a lucky winner among the people who shared the action (make sure you set the shared message to public).

You can play the game here

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