KNX Community

With KNX you don’t stand on your own. We are a global organization with a broad network of people who have embraced our technology.

By joining our community you become part of an international family of installers, manufacturers, training centres, scientific partners...

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Manufacturers in 51 countries

Member Companies developing KNX Products, Solutions and Software


Partners in 188 countries

Contractors, buildings designers, installers, integrators who successfully attended a standardized KNX basic course at a KNX certified training centre


KNX Training Centres in 73 countries

Private and vocational training institutes who have been certified by KNX to conduct standardized KNX courses.


Scientific Partners in 42 countries

Educational and research institutes that cooperate with KNX and our member companies.


KNX Userclubs in 25 countries

Platforms for KNX professionals where they can exchange user experiences.


National Groups

Local associations who promote KNX and organize events in different regional markets.


Associated Partners in 9 countries

International organization that are strategic mutual alliance partners.


Test Labs in 7 countries

Test laboratories who perform conformity testing of KNX devices on behalf of the manufacturers.

Join the KNX community yourself.

By creating a MyKNX account you get access to our software, documentation, training sessions, support and more!