KNX Partners

KNX Association offers companies who have specialized in the KNX technology the possibility to become a KNX Partner. This can be attained by taking a basic course (and passing the final exam) at a KNX Certified Training Centre.

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KNX Partners
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257 matches found
Company City Qualification (total)
Automatic Brasilia
WCX House and Building Automation São Caetano do sul
ABB São Paulo
SMART HOMES Florianopolis
Imagine Automação LTDA São Paulo
Advantis Soluções em Eletricidade Petrolina
Schneider-Electric São Bernardo do Campo
Arqtech Cascavel
BETTONI Automação e Segurança LTDA Santo André
BETTONI Santo André
Maicon Gorges Florianópolis
Nicotech Tecnologia e Serviços Brasília
Grupo Discabos Itapecerica da Serra
Arqtech Cascavel
JPG Hardware House Ltda Sao Paulo
Matheus Ribeiro Bauru/SP
Slg Comercio de Sistemas de Automacao LTDA São Paulo
Solutions Elétrica e Automação Eireli Goiânia
Computerwurm Pomerode/SC