III Smart Technology Forum - Retail 4.0
III Smart Technology Forum - Retail 4.0

III Smart Technology Forum - Retail 4.0

24.03.2020 - 25.03.2020
in P, Vigo, Spain

KNX Spain invites you to join the III SMART TECHNOLOGY FORUM - RETAIL 4.0 in Vigo at Parque Tecnológico de Vigo - Área Texvigo. The event will be held on the 25th and the 26th of March, 2020

In this edition of the III Smart Technology Forum we will address the "Retail 4.0" from different points of view, with the participation of brand representatives and retailers, as well as promoters, manufacturers, integrators, public administration and other associations. On the first day real solutions will be exposed to respond to this new context. The second day will be destined to the Retail sector itself to expose what its needs are in the short, medium and long term.

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