11. Oct 2017

Enter ISE 2018 Amsterdam for free with KNX

Enter ISE 2018 Amsterdam for free with KNX
Enter ISE 2018 Amsterdam for free with KNX

The KNX Association booth, located at hall 9 F120 covers more than 200m² and will be again one of the fair's highlights. 12 KNX manufacturers will be present at that booth, presenting the latest innovations in home and building control.

For the first time at ISE, KNX will be present with a second booth, at the prominent hall 1 of the ISE exhibition. KNX Professionals will be present to show their latest solutions and integrations possible with KNX. Further than that, almost 50 KNX member companies will be present with additional booths at ISE, making KNX visible all over the fair ground. Enter for free by using the KNX free admission voucher. More info about ISE at https://KNXatISE.knx.org

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