11. Jun 2019

First people to board the #KNXTrain in Czech Republic

First people to board the #KNXTrain in Czech Republic
First people to board the #KNXTrain in Czech Republic

Taking the opportunity to be one of the first, KNX Czech Republic successfully organised their first of many #KNXTrain events. With an excited and interested audience, the #KNXTrain event was a major success, leading to many new registrations for upcoming certified KNX Courses. After the first great stop, the KNXTrain will be on route to its next destination. Where the next destination and the lucky drawings will be and if the train will come back to the Czech Republic can be found on the dedicated #KNXTrain website https://knxtrain.knx.org and on the KNX Association social media channels (#KNXTrain). Stay tuned for more information.

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