02. Oct 2015

KNX National Group Conference in Athens a platform for new friendships

KNX National Group Conference in Athens a platform for new friendships
KNX National Group Conference in Athens a platform for new friendships

Once again, KNX Association invited the representatives from all KNX National Groups to attend the annual KNX National Group Conference. This year, the conference was held in Athens from October 29th - 30th, at Hotel Grande Bretagne, Athens' oldest and most prestigious hotel. With information about the upcoming KNX strategy for this decade and the most recent developments of the ETS, the conference programme delivered the revolutionary future of KNX, the worldwide STANDARD for home and building control. Especially the exchange of experiences amongst KNX National Groups, the presentation of the latest KNX city solutions and projects, as well as the open discussion did not simply deliver knowledge. Due to the interactive discussions amongst the KNX National Group representatives, it was clear right away for all participants that the bonds between all the representatives need to be further strengthened. The possibility to exchange knowledge and the according willingness to help made this conference not only a major success for the KNX Association and its KNX National Groups, it also created many international friendships.With participants from Asia, USA and Europe, the diversity of the worldwide STANDARD for home and building control showed again, why KNX is the worldwide leading technology.

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