29. May 2017

KNX Sweden at ELFACK

KNX Sweden at ELFACK
KNX Sweden at ELFACK

Between the 9th and 12th of May the Nordic region largest electrical fair ELFACK took place at the Swedish Exhibition import_contentamp; Congress Centre in Gothenburg. 23.000 visitors used the opportunity to visit the fair, at which 450 exhibitors filled up the total area of 41.000sqm. KNX Sweden had their 120 sqm booth directly at the main entrance. On the stage "Forum for EL", the President Rikard Nilsson and the Secretary Jan Hammarskoeld each day at lunch time presented the new ETS Inside software. Each day the first 50 in the audience got a lunch package. The voucher of 100€ were popular after the seminars and all together close to 350 vouchers got new owners.

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