21. May 2019

KNX at the 5th edition of the Smart Building Conference in Madrid, Spain

KNX at the 5th edition of the Smart Building Conference in Madrid, Spain
KNX at the 5th edition of the Smart Building Conference in Madrid, Spain

The fifth edition of the Smart Buildings Congress was held on May 14, 2019 at the headquarters of the COAM, Official College of Architects of Madrid. This is the most known event for Intelligent Buildings and technologies in Spain. It brings together the most important players in the sector, and addresses the current and future of Intelligent Buildings and the implications for companies and professionals related to the design, construction and management of buildings and their facilities. During the event, a delegate from KNX International in collaboration with Taj Kollara, managing director of Total Automation, had the opportunity to present the International Dubai Airport, one of the biggest projects in Dubai made with KNX.

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