17. Nov 2017

KNX informs the hospitality sector on KNX’ UVPs, including Security

KNX informs the hospitality sector on KNX’ UVPs, including Security
KNX informs the hospitality sector on KNX’ UVPs, including Security

In the beginning of November, KNX was again invited to the HTNG Europe event, this time in Prague. HTNG stands for Hotel Technology Next Generation and is an association with the goal to inform parties in the hospitality area (e.g. hotels) about new technological trends.

During the afternoon session, KNX was part of a podium discussion together with colleagues from Z-Wave and Tread on the topic of IoT. KNX underlined the many Unique Value Propositions of the system, including the fact that with KNX as a hotel owner you are not locked in to one manufacturer, the 27 years of uninterrupted backward compatibility and the fact that KNX is unrivalled when it comes to smart installations where many applications and products of different manufacturers are integrated. With KNX Secure, it moreover offers a standardized possibility to secure TP/RF as well as IP networks.

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