15. Nov 2017

KNX sets the scene for integrated IoT at the ZVEI Colloquium

KNX sets the scene for integrated IoT at the ZVEI Colloquium
KNX sets the scene for integrated IoT at the ZVEI Colloquium

At the recent ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) annual Colloquium in Frankfurt, KNX informed the 250+ audience about its roadmap towards a KNX system that is fully IP based, with a clear focus also on the integration of the many millions of currently installed KNX "classic" devices into this solution.

The presentation was part of the "Technology Trend" track, where Mr. Dr. Arndt from the Technical University of Mittelhessen informed about the possible impact of IoT on Building Automation and Mr. Runge of IoT Connctd on the necessity of a proper ontology and semantics for IoT. All of this constituted a perfect introduction to Mr. Demarest's (KNX CTO) presentation, in which he confirmed that KNX is already working on a KNX ontology based on RDF triples, to allow for a web client to tap into rich semantic information of a KNX IoT Gateway connected to KNX "Classic" installations. This ontology will also constitute the basis for the future data driven communication between KNX IoT devices.

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