17. Mar 2020

KNXis30 - The longest and biggest KNX event in its 30-year history

KNXis30 - The longest and biggest KNX event in its 30-year history
KNXis30 - The longest and biggest KNX event in its 30-year history

In the beginning, there was a vision: "It must be possible to more definitively include the market of classical electrical installation in the rapid development of electronics."

The year 1990 ushered in the beginning of something that would shape a whole industry and subsequently the whole world - the birth of 'KNX'. Now, 30 years later, KNX has not only made major technological advancements for smart homes and smart buildings, it has evolved into a movement, which has reached all corners of the world.

KNX celebrates in style

Whoever thought that the 30th anniversary would be celebrated with a single party, could not have been more wrong: since January, KNX Association has been marking its birthday with an unforgettable activity each month! From reminiscing about the past, to birthday wishes from all over the world, all the way to the main highlight: the big party on October 20th, 2020! Where will the party take place? All over the world!

January highlighted the past, February the present and March the worldStarting with reminiscing about its first steps, past experiences and the big challenges KNX and its whole community have successfully overcome, the month of January was all about a special way of looking at some of the greatest achievements via the vintage KNX wall.

The vintage KNX wall incorporated pictures and other contributions that brought memories back to life. With content from the KNX community all over the world, the vintage KNX wall was a perfect place for all to see just how far KNX has come.

February transformed the KNX social media wall from vintage to a playground for video creators. The whole KNX community was invited to share its birthday wishes, and so it did - outdoing itself once again! Within a couple of days, the 30th anniversary attracted birthday videos and personal messages from Europe, Africa, Asia, Down Under and beyond,with super contributions from the next generation of KNX followers too.

Once the word spread, the video entries skyrocketed further. The final days of February saw a large number of birthday video submissions and numerous requests to extend the action. So KNX Association did what it had to do: continue the action through March!

This means that the most popular action of #KNXis30 so far has been extended for another month, and not surprisingly, within the first week alone, the number of videos has almost doubled.

Don't just join - be a part of it!

The highlight has yet to come - and until then, we invite you not only to join the celebrations but to make our festivities even bigger by being a part of each month's activity!

KNX Association celebrates every month with a special action, during which we invite you to share your personal contribution with the whole world. Of course, effort is rewarded! Every entry will automatically participate in a monthly lucky drawing, with many attractive prizes!

Where can you find more information?

The social media wall, birthday videos and all information about the monthly lucky drawings can be found at the dedicated website for #KNXis30 at https://knxis30.knx.org. Also, follow the hashtag #KNXis30 on social media to see all the great messages and videos that have already been posted. And if you do decide to contribute to the social media wall, don't forget to use the hashtag #KNXis30 in all your posts!

"If anyone knows how to celebrate, it's the KNX community!" - Let's prove this right, for decades to come!

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