16. Nov 2017

Want to stay technically up to date? Attend the KNX Tech Forum!

Want to stay technically up to date? Attend the KNX Tech Forum!
Want to stay technically up to date? Attend the KNX Tech Forum!

As is done every year, KNX again invited to the annual KNX Tech Forum, for the German-speaking members organized at the Frankfurt Maritim Hotel in the beginning of November.

The attending KNX product managers, certification coordinators and other technical KNX representatives enjoyed the presentations made by the KNX Team, including an update on the KNX success figures, the state of affairs and outlook on KNX Secure, KNX IoT and KNX Tools. KNX also highlighted the fact that KNX as a technology covers the needs for many HVAC related use cases and rounded off the day with a presentation of the different parts of the KNX Standard that have been updated (e.g. by means of Application Notes) since the last KNX Tech Forum.

An Online English spoken KNX Tech Forum will be organized on 21st of November, with the same topics as mentioned before.

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