22. Sep 2017

KNX Award 2018: Register now!

KNX Award 2018: Register now!
KNX Award 2018: Register now!

Brussels - The race is on: Until 24 November 2017, companies from any country around the world can compete for the coveted KNX Award 2018. Since 1998 the prestigious award has been one of the most important institutions and distinctions in the field of home and building systems technology. It distinguishes the most innovative, ground-breaking and intelligent solutions in the industry worldwide. Traditionally, the award is presented every two years in the 5 categories of "International", "Publicity", "Energy Efficiency", "Youth" and "Special" at the world's leading light+building (l+b) trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany. This will once again be the case at next year's biggest event during l+b, the KNX TOP Event 2018, in front of more than 2,000 spectators from nearly 80 countries. Information at https://award.knx.org.

KNX Award is an absolute must-have!"The KNX Award is an absolute must-have for all KNX project developers who want to emphasize their innovative spirit, their know-how and their ingenuity in the implementation of sophisticated projects for the intelligent connection of buildings, as well as being sure to attract a lot of attention," says Franz Kammerl, President of the KNX Association, looking back on the successful history of the KNX Award. And it has never been easier for interested parties to compete for the coveted award. At https://projects.knx.org/submit, you can submit your own project in just four easy steps and with just a few clicks.

Highly-qualified expert jury decides in DecemberIn December, a jury will select the best projects in the five categories of "International", "Publicity", "Energy Efficiency", "Youth" and "Special" from all applications received by 24 November 2017. The size and scope of the KNX installations are not decisive. The focus is instead on criteria such as the variety of included trades, flexibility and expandability, degree of automation and complexity of the installation, user-friendliness and user acceptance as well as the use of products from different manufacturers. The jury is made up of neutral experts from KNX World and KNX Association.

"Technical advances in home and building systems technology are taking place on both a large and small scale as well as all over the world. With its evaluation criteria and the fact that it is awarded for each continent in the individual categories, the KNX Award takes this into account. It is therefore open to all KNX projects worldwide. Competing for the award is worthwhile!" emphasizes KNX President, Franz Kammerl. In addition to the coveted KNX Cup, all award winners will receive a prize of € 1,000.

Further information as well as options for competing at https://award.knx.org

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