25. Jul 2018

KNX launches new platform for smart home and building projects

KNX launches new platform for smart home and building projects
KNX launches new platform for smart home and building projects

More than 500 KNX projects have already been published: The KNX Project Platform brings interested parties and system integrators together

With the new platform for smart home and building projects, the KNX Association is creating a new central contact point for revolutionary and innovative KNX installations from all over the world at https://projects.knx.org. As of now, system integrators, developers and architects will be able to present their KNX projects in a visually appealing manner to the general public on a global scale with just a few clicks. Over 500 projects have already been published since the launch.

The full variety of the KNX world on a single platformThe multifaceted projects on the new KNX Project Platform demonstrate what is already technically possible thanks to KNX's leading global solutions for smart homes and buildings. "The KNX-based smart home solutions enable the living of tomorrow to be realised today. In addition, the KNX projects demonstrate how increasingly complex trades can be automated in public and commercial buildings with impressive results," Franz Kammerl, President of the KNX Association, is enthusiastic about the wide range of different KNX projects from all over the world.

Exciting impressions The new KNX Project Platform is available in a total of 6 languages and addresses KNX projects of all types and sizes. Using a search function, interested parties can quickly find suitable projects and obtain an overview of the most important facts for any given project. Project images also provide exciting impressions. It is also easy to contact the respective project manager. "This is yet another added value of our new platform. It brings interested parties and system integrators together and thus ultimately results in new KNX projects", KNX President Franz Kammerl explains.

New features now availableA further expansion of the already extensive functionality of the KNX Project Platform is now implemented. Project managers are able to upload full documentation of their KNX projects, to publish videos on their projects and to give interested parties an even better understanding of these projects. Besides, there will be a set of features for system integrators such as they will be able to upload their KNX Project file, so that they can consult it from their MyKNX account (not public for the viewers but only for the responsible of the project) and many more.

All KNX projects already available can be consulted at: https://projects.knx.org

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