07. May 2015

25th anniversary of KNX to be celebrated worldwide

25th anniversary of KNX to be celebrated worldwide
25th anniversary of KNX to be celebrated worldwide

Today is the 25th birthday of KNX Association. To celebrate the 25th anniversary, KNX Association is pleased to kick-off the preparations for the 25th anniversary of KNX - The worldwide STANDARD for home and building control, on the 20th October 2015.

For the 25th Anniversary of KNX, we invite the whole KNX community to celebrate the event by organising KNX events all over the world, which shall be the biggest event in KNX history. This does not only include the organising of KNX events worldwide, but also the highest possible raise of awareness for KNX.

Come and join any of the KNX events to be celebrated around the world. No matter where you might be, you will have the possibility to witness this memorable day to the fullest and tell your friends about the huge impact of the 25th anniversary of KNX.

You can find more info on the new web pages here: http://KNXis25.knx.org

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