28. Nov 2016

An intense week of exchange between KNX and its members

An intense week of exchange between KNX and its members
An intense week of exchange between KNX and its members

Last week was again an intense week for KNX and its members, following the organization of the KNX Tech Days. The KNX Tech Days are an annual event organized by KNX Association exclusively for its members, to inform them about the newest technological evolutions of the KNX Standard. The event was once organized for the German-speaking members in Frankfurt on 22 and 23 November, followed by an online session in English on 24 November.

The KNX Team informed its members on the growth of the KNX community, gave a demonstration on KNX Web Services, highlighted the newest modifications of the KNX specifications (including Security, testing and test tools), informed on KNX' plans to migrate its technology to the age of the Internet of Things and last but not least gave a sneak preview of the ETS inside scheduled for release mid of February 2017.

On the second day of the Frankfurt meeting, the members were informed on how to use ETS4/ETS5 MT features better to make configuration of KNX devices in first ETS Professional but for sure also in ETS Inside much easier.

All the organized sessions will be repeated at later dates, for instance in the form of another Webinar for the non-Germany community on 1 December, but also directly in the countries of the different members (e.g. KNX Tech Days are scheduled in Italy and UK for 2017).

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