23. Jul 2015

KNX as topic of an exchange programme between Greece and Luxembourg

KNX as topic of an exchange programme between Greece and Luxembourg
KNX as topic of an exchange programme between Greece and Luxembourg

As part of an EU-Erasmus Mobility programme, the Luxembourg KNX Training Centre CNFPC and the 1st Athens School EPAL Galatsiou organised a student exchange, welcoming 10 students and 2 teachers to Luxembourg.Focus of this programme was energy efficiency, energy management with innovative systems as well as recent environment standards. Next to the participation at a certified KNX Basic Course at CNFPC, the Greek visitors were invited to a further intercultural exchange. Concurrently to the KNX Basic Course, which was passed by all participants, KNX National Group Luxembourg organised an interesting agenda with technical visits of KNX projects. Next to a visit to the Musem of Contemporary Art, which lighting is controlled by KNX, the group visited the headquarter of the European Court of Justice, one of the biggest KNX projects in Luxembourg.

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