29. Jun 2015

Technical workshop of German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI) invites KNX

Technical workshop of German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI) invites KNX
Technical workshop of German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI) invites KNX

On 24th of June, the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association ZVEI - more specifically the trade association Electrical Installation Systems - organized a well visited technical workshop, predominantly devoted to topics related to regulations and standardization. However, some time was also foreseen for topics related to building automation. Mr. Knoll of the University of Biberach presented the results of a study that had been performed on energy consumption of building automation products. Mr. Demarest of KNX was invited to talk about security in building automation, highlighting the way KNX installations can already today be made more secure, in spite of the fact that first devices supporting KNX Data Security (for the authentication and encryption of telegrams on TP/RF/PL KNX media) and KNXnet/IP Security (for securing KNXnet/IP tunneling connections and backbones) are expected in the beginning of next year, together with the release of the ETS 5.5 supporting configuration of such devices.

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