06. Mar 2017

The Month of the ETS Inside successfully kicked-off in Finland!

The Month of the ETS Inside successfully kicked-off in Finland!
The Month of the ETS Inside successfully kicked-off in Finland!

In the course of the "Month of the ETS Inside", the first of more than 30 events worldwide was successfully held in Kuopio, Finland. The seminar, which gathered the national KNX community, opened with an overview of the present status of KNX globally and in Finland. Then it moved on to its highlight, "the ETS Inside".

The live-demonstration of the ETS Inside was for all participants a premiere and raised immediately vivid discussions and raised a lot of interest, resulting in the overall impression that the ETS Inside is more than just an impressive tool.

The first licence in Finland was handed to Pekka Aho from AH-Talotekniikka in Kuopio.

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