24. aoû 2012

2nd Singapore Forum of KNX Technology and Application for Home and Building Control

2nd Singapore Forum of KNX Technology and Application for Home and Building Control
2nd Singapore Forum of KNX Technology and Application for Home and Building Control

For the second time, KNX organizes the 2nd KNX Technology and Application for Home and Building Control - Create a Green, Comfortable and Energy Saving Environment for Modern City Life". The focus of this event is, next to the introduction of KNX towards professionals, the involvement of the younger generation. For this, this KNX Forum will be organized at the Republic Polytechnic, a Scientific Partner of the KNX Association. The concurrently held exhibition offers the best opportunity to get in touch with the Singapore KNX key players of as well as the Training Partners. We would be very happy to welcome you to this Forum as well! Further information can be found in the official Invitation.

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