25. aoû 2014

First ever KNX tutor crash course in New Zealand

First ever KNX tutor crash course in New Zealand
First ever KNX tutor crash course in New Zealand

From 20 till 22 of August, KNX International set up tents in the main city of New Zealand, Auckland, for a first ever KNX tutor crash course. The course was kindly hosted by ETCO, the major NZ training institution for apprentices, an organization that was set up by the local association of electrical contractors, ECANZ.

Candidate tutors from ETCO and local integrating companies/wholesalers - all with the aim to set up a own local KNX certified training center - attended the condensed course, during which Mr. Demarest as CTO of KNX highlighted them the major points of the KNX standardized tutor documentation on such topic as KNX Protocol, KNX Interworking, KNX microcontrollers and application programs.

The last day was traditionally reserved for the concluding theory and practical test, which all participants passed with flying colors! A new stepping stone has been laid for the further expansion of KNX down under!

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