13. avr 2021

Jung : la maintenance à distance de KNX

Jung : la maintenance à distance de KNX
Jung : la maintenance à distance de KNX

JUNG IPS-Remote allows for a simple and cost-efficient remote maintenance and programming of all KNX components. Time-consuming and cost-intensive access routes are no longer required: using remote maintenance via IPS-Remote, system integrators only gain encrypted access to the KNX components of the customer - with the customer's approval of course. Experts require the ETS app IPS-Remote, the IP interface IPS 300 SREG and the remote maintenance licence IPS-L bound to this interface. End users acquire these via their myJUNG access. The licence can also be ordered after the installa-tion. The KNX IP interface (IPS 300 SREG) with 2 TE is the digital hub in the Smart Building: The interface connects KNX devices with the PC via the network. The database required for ETS project planning is available to installers in the JUNG online catalogue.

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