25. sep 2016

KNX Roadshow South East Asia - Second Stop Singapore bringing the Standard to the people

KNX Roadshow South East Asia - Second Stop Singapore bringing the Standard to the people
KNX Roadshow South East Asia - Second Stop Singapore bringing the Standard to the people

Ongoing Smart City initiatives, definition of standards, the everlasting search for solutions and the growing demand for open technology - That is how Singapore can be described in a nutshell. Therefore, it was no surprise that the second stop of the KNX Roadshow South East Asia was a major success! Representatives from the industry, government, institutions, universities and also the Singapore Green Building Council participated in the KNX Networking Forum in Singapore. Next to all the new contacts and potential business opportunities for the participants, the presentations about KNX, KNX city and the novelties of KNX were highly appreciated by the audience.

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