02. jul 2015

KNX informs its members on strategic projects during the KNX Technology Day

KNX informs its members on strategic projects during the KNX Technology Day
KNX informs its members on strategic projects during the KNX Technology Day

On 25th of June, KNX International invited its German speaking members to a first ever KNX Technology Day, organized in a hotel near the Frankfurt fair grounds.

Mr. Lux as CEO of KNX kicked off the conference with a report on the success story of KNX in the recent years, however pointing out that KNX needs to continue innovation to keep its pole position in the home and building control landscape. Mr. Demarest, CTO, brought a helicopter view of the different technical projects that have either just been completed (support of Radio Frequency in the ETS5) or planned for the near future (KNX Data Security and KNXnet/IP, ETS Core, Web Services). Mr. Hänel, the KNX System and Tool Manager rounded off the morning presentations with a detailed presentation of the new features of the new ETS5 and those planned for ETS Tablet and ETS Core.

In the afternoon, more in-depth presentations were given on KNX Web Services and KNX Security, with two representatives from KNX system providers closing the conference (Weinzierl Engineering and Tapko) with the topic of KNX Radio Frequency and KNX Energy Harvesting.

The KNX Technology Day will be repeated online for the international audience in the course of the month of September.

All members present very much welcomed the idea put forward of making the KNX Technology Day an annual event.

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