11. jun 2014

KNX organizes renewed KNX tutor crash course in BeijingChina

KNX organizes renewed KNX tutor crash course in BeijingChina
KNX organizes renewed KNX tutor crash course in BeijingChina

From 4 till 6 of June, KNX again invited to a KNX tutor crash course at the Dafang Hotel in Beijing. With the intense preparations prior to the course, where participants need to self-study the course material and do evaluation tests, the course could welcome six participants: two potential tutors from ABB Shanghai, two from ITEI, one from LDS and one from Tiansu.

After the first two days of the KNX tutor crash course, where the participants jointly with the tutor from KNX International plunged deeper into such topics as the KNX protocol, KNX microcontrollers, KNX application programs and KNX Interworking, the last day of the course consisted of the theoretical and practical exam, which all six participants passed.

KNX would like to congratulate the new KNX certified tutors in China, strengthening the training staff at already existing Chinese KNX certified training centres or as tutors at soon to be founded new KNX training centres.

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