Vous voulez une maison ou un bâtiment intelligent 
qui a tout pour plaire ? Les appareils et solutions 
KNX IoT font évoluer les maisons et bâtiments 
intelligents vers un niveau supérieur.

Pourquoi KNX IoT ?

  • Interopérabilité et sécurité : KNX est la référence en matière d'interopérabilité. Il suffit de prendre deux appareils certifiés de n'importe quel fournisseur pour qu'ils fonctionnent ensemble au niveau de l'application de manière sécurisée. Suivant cette philosophie, KNX IoT a été conçu pour maintenir le plus haut niveau de sécurité. Les appareils KNX IoT sont dotés d'une sécurité intégrée dès leur conception. Grâce à cette nouvelle technologie KNX IoT robuste, les fabricants et les développeurs peuvent créer les meilleurs appareils, solutions et services qui seront installés par les professionnels de l'industrie des maisons et des bâtiments intelligents.
  • Dispositifs KNX IoT natifs (IPv6) : Les dispositifs KNX utilisent désormais une nouvelle approche pour s'intégrer dans l'architecture IPv6. La nouvelle génération d'appareils KNX IoT sera capable de se connecter à des réseaux IP (avec ou sans fil) pour communiquer avec d'autres appareils KNX IoT ainsi qu'avec des appareils KNX classiques qui utilisent la paire torsadée ou la radiofréquence.
  • API standardisée : Pour les appareils qui doivent être intégrés dans un réseau KNX, c'est maintenant possible grâce à une API standardisée qui peut se connecter aux installations KNX. Cette API est simple, sécurisée, abstraite des connaissances spécifiques à KNX et à l'épreuve du temps.
  • Un seul outil : ETS : Toutes ces possibilités sont rendues possibles grâce à l'utilisation d'ETS. Avec ETS, les appareils KNX de plus de 500 fabricants peuvent être configurés indépendamment de leur couche physique, et les informations relatives au projet peuvent être exportées vers n'importe quel serveur KNX IoT API à l'aide d'un outil indépendant du fournisseur. ETS fournit une interopérabilité de base dans un outil attrayant avec une interface utilisateur moderne.
  • KNX, le plus grand écosystème de l'automatisation de la maison et du bâtiment : Avec cette nouvelle possibilité de communiquer en utilisant la technologie KNX, il apporte plus de flexibilité. Les fabricants peuvent désormais utiliser les nouvelles possibilités de développement pour créer des produits et des solutions innovants ; de même, les professionnels ont plus de possibilités de créer un plus grand écosystème KNX dans leurs projets.

Rendre toute maison et tout bâtiment intelligents grâce à KNX IoT

Découvrez pourquoi KNX IoT ouvre un monde de possibilités pour les maisons et bâtiments intelligents dans cette courte vidéo d'introduction.

Vous trouverez des vidéos et des webinaires plus détaillés sur KNX IoT sur notre chaîne YouTube.

KNX, le plus grand paysage de développement de ce type

Une plateforme de développement révolutionnaire servant de base à des solutions remarquables a été présentée au monde en 2023, permettant tous les cas de figure dans les secteurs verticaux de la maison et du bâtiment intelligents. Des produits aux services, tout fabricant ou développeur peut trouver les ressources nécessaires pour créer des solutions uniques.

Découvrez comment fonctionne l'écosystème KNX en survolant les différents éléments de l'image ci-dessous.

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

IP Wi-Fi Rounter IP Wi-Fi Access Point

A Wi-Fi Access Point is a topology element required by the Wi-Fi network. It allows Wi-Fi-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device Wi-Fi

A KNX IoT Point API device - Wi-Fi device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Wi-Fi as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IP Interface/router

A KNX IP Interface connects KNX TP-based installations with IP (IPv4) using the KNXnet/IP protocol. It offers tunneling connections, which are used by clients to establish a connection with the downstream KNX installation. KNX IP Routers provide interface functionality as well as routing capabilities. A KNX IP Router can link several KNX TP sections using IP as a backbone.

Thread Border Router

A Thread Border Router is a topology element required by the Thread network. Similar to a Wi-Fi access point, it allows Thread-based devices to communicate with the LAN and WAN.

KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet

 A KNX IoT Point API device - Ethernet device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Ethernet as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Point API device

A KNX IoT Point API device - Thread device is a certified device (Stack, Application) that uses Thread as its communication medium. Unlike KNX TP and KNX RF devices, the physical layer is not part of the KNX Specifications; instead, an IPv6-based communication medium is used.

KNX IoT Router (TP,RF,IPv4 & IPv6)

 A KNX IoT Router is a gateway between KNX TP, RF or IPv4 devices and KNX IoT devices. It can be a stand-alone device, but it can also be integrated into other network elements (e.g., Thread Border Router + KNX IoT Router).

KNX IoT API Client(application)

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

KNX IoT API Server

 The KNX IoT API Server uses the KNX Information Model, natively exported by ETS6, to expose a standardized API for third parties to communicate with KNX installations. A certified KNX IoT API Server has been tested against KNX specifications and is compliant with the standard API model. Third parties can develop clients that seamlessly work with KNX IoT API Servers, regardless of the manufacturer.

Media coupler TP/RF

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


 A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.

Line Coupler

 A Line Coupler is a topology element that connects a TP line with other TP lines via a TP backbone. A maximum of 15 lines can be coupled together, forming an area. Up to 15 areas can be coupled together using an Area Coupler.

Power Supply

 A KNX Power Supply is required to power the twisted pair (TP) cable that connects KNX TP devices.

TP device

 A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

Segment Proxy

 A Segment Proxy enables KNX Data Secure communication with plain KNX communication. This can help prevent easily accessible KNX TP Secure devices (e.g., thermostats) from communicating with back-end KNX TP devices that are not secure. The communication up to the Segment Proxy will be secure.

Segment Coupler

 A TP/RF media coupler connects an RF segment with a TP line. It can be added as another 'line' or can extend an existing TP line with an RF sub-segment (in this case it is called Segment Coupler).


A KNX RF device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a RF physical layer (RF) as its communication medium.


  A KNX TP device is a certified device (Physical Layer, Stack, Application) that uses a twisted pair cable (TP) as its communication medium

KNX IoT Development et KNX Startup Incubator

Intéressé par le développement KNX IoT ? Découvrez plus d'informations sur KNX IoT et comment vous pouvez développer pour KNX IoT, les avantages et le soutien que KNX offre via notre incubateur de startups KNX.

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