KNX Secure Roadshow

On this page you can find all information, which you need in order to make your event an unforgettable success

KNX Association has prepared an extensive collection of information, presentations, artworks, and much more – All together in the KNX Secure Roadshow Marketing Tool Package!


  • Why do we need security?
  • KNX Secure – Real Hacking Scenarios and Secure Checklist
  • Introduction to KNX Secure
  • KNX Secure use-cases
  • KNX Secure – Technical Details

Roadshow Presentations
Roadshow Presentations


  • KNX Secure Posters
  • KNX Secure Roll-ups
  • KNX Secure Web-eye Catcher
  • KNX Secure Roadshow Invitation
  • KNX Secure Email Signature

Roadshow Artwork
Roadshow Artwork


  • KNX Secure Webinar
  • KNX Secure Roadshow Webinar 

Roadshow Webinars
Roadshow Webinars

Organise an event

In order to get access to all the marketing tool package, register your event via email, stating:

  • Date
  • Country
  • City
  • Short explanation of your event

 After successful registration, you will receive a link with the whole marketing tool package.

Organise an event
Organise an event