25. set 2014

First KNX event in Czech Republic completely sold out!

First KNX event in Czech Republic completely sold out!
First KNX event in Czech Republic completely sold out!

Growing economy, raising demand for KNX and high enthusiasm - This is how the Czech market can be described the best. For the 1st Czech Forum of KNX Technology and Application, around 100 participants joined the first KNX event in Czech Republic, leaving no free seat available. Presentations were held by major KNX manufacturers, as well as KNX Partners, KNX Training Centres and KNX Scientific Partners. The agenda was highly appreciated by the audience due to the many topics, which have been covered during the event. Especially the low average-age of this forum made the event very lively and proves the high potential of KNX in the long run.

Prior to the KNX Forum, KNX members and partners got together in order to discuss the foundation of a local Czech platform, better known as the KNX National Group. Thanks to the high enthusiasm of the Czech KNX community, more events in Czech Republic are destined to be organised in the very near future. Soon the KNX National Group of Czech Republic will offer the contacts for all those interested in being part of the upcoming developments in Czech Republic.

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