30. set 2014

Hager organizes first ever “Shake my KNX” contest

Hager organizes first ever “Shake my KNX” contest
Hager organizes first ever “Shake my KNX” contest

Last week on 25th and 26th September Hager organized its first ever "Shake my KNX" contest. Inspired on the concept of "hackathons" - events where programmers meet to jointly work on a software program during several days - Hager invited 7 teams of three experienced KNX integrators to take part in a 24 hour non-stop contest at the company Simplon in the outskirts of Paris.

During the contest, the participants were challenged to a number of tests, including four programming exercises with ETS, one quiz on home and building automation and one test, where they had to present their future visions on the world of home and building control to a jury. The four programming exercises dealt with such real life topics as the installation of a fictive residential and commercial building, but also such playful topics as the control of a scale model of the Titanic.

The contest was concluded with another quiz, where the participants of the winning team were again challenged on their knowledge of the home and building automation world: the lucky winner took home with him a ticket for a trip to Las Vegas, to attend the next Consumer Electronic Show.

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