09. lug 2014

KNX International again organizes ETS5 Conference for Training Centres, now in Germany

KNX International again organizes ETS5 Conference for Training Centres, now in Germany
KNX International again organizes ETS5 Conference for Training Centres, now in Germany

As reported via the social media, KNX Brussels already organized an international conference for KNX certified training centres on the topic of ETS5 in May, at that time near Lisbon in Portugal and hosted by the ATEC Training centre.

As many of the German training centers were unable to attend the event then, KNX International agreed to organize a separate and German spoken conference for the large amount of German speaking KNX training centres. This time the conference was hosted by the long time KNX certified training centre in Bayreuth, the Handwerkskammer für Oberfranken.

As had been done in Lisbon, the meeting was kicked off by an a detailed report by Mr. Unal as KNX Certification Manager of many different aspects of concern to the KNX certified training centres (e.g. recent changes in the requirements for training centres, implications on licensing of the transition from ETS4 to ETS5, new training documentation, Facts import_contentamp; Figures on number of KNX members, training centres, partners, ….).

For the rest of the first day, the KNX System import_contentamp; Tool Manager, Mr. Hänel with his usual wit informed the audience about the new features of the upcoming ETS5.

The second day was devoted to in-depth testing of the current Beta version of the ETS5, in the presence of KNX experts, including representatives from the ETS developers.

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