16. mar 2016

KNX Light + Building 2016 – Lucky Day 2

KNX  Light + Building 2016 – Lucky Day 2
KNX Light + Building 2016 – Lucky Day 2

Also the second day of the participation of Light + Building 2016 by KNX Association left the worldwide community in awe and showed impressively that the KNX IoT city is again the meeting point for the world. Not only the high information content on the LED screens in the KNX IoT city and the various brochures left a lasting impression, but also the constant presentations about the novelties of KNX and KNX training opportunities made the visits exciting and memorable.

As always the ETS Game attracted several hundred people from all over the world. Fact that the number of winners is continuously rising is best proof of the acceptance of KNX worldwide! Chances to win an ETS Professional License every hour will remain until the end of the Light + Building 2016, so do not miss your chance to experience the best KNX performance at Light + Building, but also to win your free ETS Professional in the KNX IoT city.

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