24. giu 2016

KNX Poland brings the STANDARD to the people

KNX Poland brings the STANDARD to the people
KNX Poland brings the STANDARD to the people

As a big country, travelling to the main cities for attending a KNX Poland event in the capital is rather difficult for many people. As a response, KNX Poland brought KNX to the people. On the 9th of June, Gliwice in the Polish region Silesia was host-city for the first regional KNX Poland conference dedicated to installers. Exceeding all expectations, 120 participants joined the event, underlining the big potential for KNX not only in certain regions of Poland, but all over the country.Proven by the success, the next events in other regions are already planned, such as in Wroclaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Poznan.

For more information about the upcoming events of KNX Poland, maybe also in your region, please contact jan.worobiec@targetpress.pl.

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