26. set 2016

KNX Roadshow arrived its final stop at ASEAN Skills 2016

KNX Roadshow arrived its final stop at ASEAN Skills 2016
KNX Roadshow arrived its final stop at ASEAN Skills 2016

Participants from 10 countries are currently participating in order to see, who is the best in the ASEAN region in the field of electrical engineering. KNX is again the chosen technology for the discipline of home and building control. Next to the competition, KNX was present with a very impressive booth, attracting many market drivers from governmental, vocational and industrial drivers. The interest in KNX was tremendous, since it impressively underlined the many benefits of an open technology. The many presentation at the KNX booth raised a lot of attention, making not only the competition a huge success, but also the whole performance of KNX.

Follow us for the conclusion of the KNX Roadshow India and South East Asia - Promise that you will be surprised!

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