20. ott 2016

KNX Secure at ZVEHVDE Conference "Standardization and Handcraft in the age of digitalization

KNX Secure at ZVEHVDE Conference "Standardization and Handcraft in the age of digitalization
KNX Secure at ZVEHVDE Conference "Standardization and Handcraft in the age of digitalization

The most recent organized conference of ZVEH (the German Association of Electrical Contractors) and VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic import_contentamp; Information Technologies) in Lübeck/Germany dealt with the very contemporary topics of Standardization and Handcraft in the age of digitalization. The conference opened on the 6th of October, continuing on the 7th and consisted of presentations on such topics as "handcraft 4.0" (on the challenges of the digitalization for these professions), digitalization and services (including a presentation on the relevance of the Building Information Modeling for the electrical handcraft), ambient assisted living as well as smart home. Dr. Pongratz of VDE made a presentation on the topic of smart home interoperability, standardization and certification , where Mr. Demarest as CTO of KNX was invited to present KNX' activities in the domain of data security for smart home applications. Mr. Demarest highlighted the many possibilities already available since many years to secure KNX installations (documented in the KNX Security check-list) and gave an insight into the new possibilities of KNX Secure, now supported in the ETS 5.5.

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