23. nov 2012

KNX Working Group Training meets at Hager Blieskastel

KNX Working Group Training meets at Hager Blieskastel
KNX Working Group Training meets at Hager Blieskastel

Last Friday, delegates from the KNX training centers and delegates from local manufacturers met up at the Hager premises in Blieskastel, to discuss about:A proposed update of the KNX requirements for training centers, a.o. including now explicit requirements for KNX theoretical online training; An update of the training documentation, both of the basic course but also of the upgrade course.As for the update of the topics of the upgrade course, new chapters have been developed on the topics of ‘KNX and Smart Metering/Smart Grid' as well as ‘KNX and Multimedia' and the program of the upgrade course adapted accordingly. Following the launch of the ETS 4 App concept, the content as well as the title of the chapter ‘Supplementary Tools' was changed to ‘ETS Apps'. Also the chapter ‘Visualization' was revised. All chapters will soon be available for the KNX certified training centers via their Online Shop account.

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