17. maggio 2013

KNX is now the only National Chinese Standard for Home and Building Control (GBT 20965)

KNX is now the only National Chinese Standard for Home and Building Control (GBT 20965)
KNX is now the only National Chinese Standard for Home and Building Control (GBT 20965)

According to the official file issued by Standardization Administration of the People Republic of China, the National Standard of "The Technical Specification of HBES Control Network - Home and Building Control System" has been approved and distributed officially. The number of the standard is GB/T 20965-2013. In order to promote this historic moment, the secretariat of China TC of Industrial Process Measurement and Control organized a press conference at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P. R. China on the 10th May.

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