06. dic 2013

The 5th Latin American KNX National Group founded in Colombia

The 5th Latin American KNX National Group founded in Colombia
The 5th Latin American KNX National Group founded in Colombia

Last week, in the morning of the 29th of November, the local representatives of KNX in Colombia agreed to the creation of the KNX National Group Colombia. The newly founded KNX National Group is constituted by the most active players in Colombia ranging from Manufacturers, system integrators, KNX Training Centres, etc. The chosen presidency is represented by ABB, Vice-Presidency is held by Schneider Electric. The office of the secretary is held by Mr. Haiber Roland. When you click on the link you can find a picture of all founding reperesentatives. We congratulate all of them and wish them best in promoting KNX on the Colombian market.

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