01. Jul 2015

Event of KNX Professionals Holland: IP – the future of building automation

Event of KNX Professionals Holland: IP – the future of building automation
Event of KNX Professionals Holland: IP – the future of building automation

On 18th of June, the KNX Professional Holland invited to another one of its very interesting events intended as information platform to its members.

This time the event was organized in the Congress center Domus Medica in the city of Utrecht and the central theme was the Internet of Things.

After the introduction to the topic brought by Mr. Vandenbos of KNX Holland, Mr. Demarest of KNX International gave his keynote presentation on how KNX sees its involvement in the world of the Internet of Things, In fact a process that has tarted at KNX already more than 10 years ago with the first proposals for KNXnet/IP tunneling being brought to paper - as early as 2004! It was stressed that KNX continues to invest in its current system and in safeguarding its future in the IoT, e.g. through the recent support of KNX RF in the ETS software, the forthcoming support of KNX Data Security and KNXnet/IP Secure in devices and ETS, the planned extensions to ETS to simplify KNX configuration (ETS Tablet and ETS Core) and the seamless integration of current KNX networks in the IoT via the KNX web service approach.

Next to reports from the field (e.g. realization of audio streaming by means of KNXnet/IP and the coupling of IP and KNX in the well-known music hall of Tivoli-Vredenburg in Utrecht), a wide variety of other speakers were invited to express their view on the IoT, including Mr. Bos from Microsoft informing about the Microsoft Azure platform.

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