30. Jan 2020

Genomineerden voor de KNX Awards 2020

Genomineerden voor de KNX Awards 2020
Genomineerden voor de KNX Awards 2020

Uit de talrijke inzendingen die we ontvingen voor de KNX Awards 2020 blijkt nogmaals het hoge niveau van de KNX Smart Home- en Smart Building-projecten over de hele wereld.

De jury is klaar met de beraadslagingen en we zijn blij de volgende genomineerden aan te kondigen:

International - Europe

  • "AAL Mit Hightech länger im eigenen Haus leben" by Klaus Geyer Elektrotechnik
  • "Amerikalinjen Hotel" by function Solutions AS
  • "Bairro Alto Hotel" by Domotica Solutions
  • "Das Vitale Haus" by JAEGER Wohn- import_contentamp; Gebäudeintelligenz
  • "Sea garden, Trade in seafood Fish, Rhodes, Greece" by Smart Building Solutions

International - Asia

  • "Beijing Daxing airport intelligent lighting control system" by Beijing HAIANRUIHANG Technology Co.,Ltd
  • "Mercury" by Katana
  • "Nobakht Commercial building" by Delham Tabesh
  • "Ritz Carlton Doha Qatar" by CADD emirates WLL
  • "Shenzhen Longhua Jinmao House" by HDL

International - Africa, America, Australia

  • "ABB Industrial Automation Headquarters" by Automated Technology Company LLC
  • "Calvary Adelaide Hospital, South Australia" by mySmart
  • "Historic Theatre Automation in Córdoba" by Agustin Abdala
  • "The Quest of Life - Springfield Health City One project" by SyncWise Smart Building Solutions
  • "Villa Neo" by Beyond Habitat

Energy Efficiency

  • "A Smart Villa living alone Iin the white mountains of Crete" by GDS Digital Systems Ltd.
  • "Bitzer Headquarter Sindelfingen" by Elektro-Breitling GmbH
  • "KNX for LEED v4 Platinum Gold project in Brazil: case SANEPAR" by Arqtech Automacao
  • "Police Office VLAS Kortrijk" by Istema Sumi Stagobel Bynubian EEG
  • "Quanta : Smarter Building - Jaguar Network Headquarters" by CUST'HOME


  • "AL-Masa Downtown New Alamein City" by Egyptian for Intelligent Buildings (Smart)
  • "MAS" by Natural Software SL
  • "Metro Transportation with 25 stations" by Guangzhou video-star intelligent Corp., Ltd
  • "E-Haus" by ZVEH
  • "The world's northernmost KNX project?" by Instell As


  • "AVJ Namur" by DCE
  • "Das Smart Living Lab der FH Technikum Wien" by FH Technikum Wien
  • "KNX Schulungscenter" by CA Brachtendorf GmbH
  • "Smarthome-Kompetenzcenter" by E-Necker
  • "TEC Brabant Wallon" by Zinaltek sprl


  • "Desert Rose House" by Brendan Banfield
  • "Dianna Villas Realistic Visualization, born in a KNX World" by Chris Gliatis
  • "KNX Training as a standard for technical education, Iran" by Artman Smart Energy Solutions
  • "MyKnx Home - Maqueta funcional de vivienda KNX" by Hector Colado Garcia
  • "Off-grid domoticahuis" by Odisee Gent

Wij feliciteren alle genomineerden en bedanken alle mensen die hun project hebben ingezonden voor de KNX Awards 2020. Alle genomineerde projecten kunt u bekijken op het KNX projectplatform.

Binnenkort kunt u op uw favoriete genomineerde project voor de People's Choice Award stemmen. Meer info volgt.

De winnaars van de KNX Awards 2020 worden op 10 maart in Frankfurt, Duitsland, bekendgemaakt tijdens de Light + Building beurs. Mis het evenement niet! U kunt zich binnenkort inschrijven voor de KNX Award ceremonie.

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