17. Mar 2016

KNX Light + Building 2016 – Ushering St. Patricks Day

KNX  Light + Building 2016 – Ushering St. Patricks Day
KNX Light + Building 2016 – Ushering St. Patricks Day

The 4th day of Light + Building 2016 confirmed once more that KNX is dominating the worldwide biggest fair for home and building control. With more than 10.000 visitors from more than 80 countries, KNX counted the highest footfall in the KNX booths all over the fair. Various business opportunities for KNX Members at the member's booth at Hall 8 highlighted also the prominent space in the most crowded hall of the fair and led already to registrations for the next edition of Light + Building.

Emphasizing the importance and the resulting business opportunities of the KNX Standard in the worldwide market, the KNX IoT city was honoured with the visit of the Irish Ambassador Michael Collins. Already celebrating today's St. Patrick Day, KNX Association invited the worldwide community to the KNX booth party, serving drinks and food, leaving again the visitors in awe.

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