15. Jul 2016

KNX: a popular home and building automation protocol in China indeed!
KNX: a popular home and building automation protocol in China indeed!

In view of the size of the KNX community in China (which has in the meanwhile grown to over 50 individual KNX manufacturers), it is only natural that such a large group is kept well informed about the progress of the KNX Technology and new tool developments.

In close cooperation with KNX China, it had therefore been decided to organize a KNX Technology Day in the Chinese capital, Beijing, on 13th of July.

Although a large proportion of KNX members come from other regions of China, more than 75 persons had found their way to the conference room, which was filled to the brim.

KNX Association delegated its CTO, Mr. Demarest, to inform the audience about KNX' long-term strategy in the Internet of Things, even beyond the now available KNX IoT 1.0 Web Services, as presented at the Light import_contentamp; Building Fair. The technical experts of KNX China then gave more in-depth presentations on such KNX novelties as KNX Data and IP Secure, the repercussions of the latter on working in ETS 5.5, ETS Inside and KNX Web Services. The Chinese manufacturers were also again briefed on the many new opportunities with KNX RF, following the support in ETS5 and the availability of modules for energy harvesting in conjunction with KNX RF.

KNX China also used the occasion of being together with most of its members to hand out the KNX China Awards for the local best KNX projects.

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