07. Jun 2016

SmartHome Award 2016

SmartHome Award 2016
SmartHome Award 2016

The 24th of May was a special day for the SmartHomes Initiative Germany, as the best and smartest products, solutions, start-ups and projects were awarded. The jury consisted of top SmartHome experts, chief editors and professors, who handed out the awards in front of 130 guests at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in Berlin, Germany. In the category "best realised project", company Elsner Elektronik GmbH received the first prize for the project "User-Oriented Building Control for Commercial Buildings". Elsner Elektronik's commercial building impressively showcases that building control allows the implementation of high energy efficiency and safety levels, while granting user-codetermination at the same time. The automation was realised with KNX. Next to temperature, ventilation and shading control, the building is also equipped with media technology, safety and surveillance functions. KNX touch-displays in the offices allow the employees to control all functions.

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